Thanksgiving Menu 2022
Are you ready to celebrate Thanksgiving 2022 in Rome?
Live it as if you were in America, feel at home: we will deliver right to your doorstep your traditional Thanksgiving meal on Thursday, November 24.
Our menu:
Roasted turkey with gravy / Tacchino arrosto con salsa gravy
Traditional chestnut stuffing / Tradizionale ripieno di castagne
Cranberry sauce / Salsa di mirtilli
Spicy roasted sweet potatoes / Patate dolci speziate al forno
Corn bread / Pane di mais
Apple pie / Torta alle mele
24,00 euros per person
Order within November 18, we will deliver to your address in Rome on Thursday, November 24.
Tel +39 06 21127527 - Mob +39 348 8572387